Financial services

Financial services

Banks and financial services providers

Through our Industry Expertise Centre for Banking and Finance, BDO provides solutions that are consistently oriented around market trends to meet the requirements of a globalised financial world.

Hardly any other industry is currently subjected to such rapid change as financial services providers. Progressive globalisation of the markets, intense competition and especially the global financial crisis require banks and other financial services operators to possess detailed knowledge of the pertinent requirements and potential solutions.

Through our many years of experience as auditors and consultants to financial services companies of all sizes, we are able to support you comprehensively and competently – whether within the scope of statutory and voluntary annual and consolidated financial statements, successful planning and execution of corporate transactions, or responding to tax legislation issues.


Auditing and audit-related services

  • Statutory annual audits of banks, investment funds and investment companies in compliance with CZ GAAP, IFRS, Audit Report Regulations and others.
  • Audits of risk management systems
  • Implementation of the provisions of the anti-money-laundering act
  • Implementation and adherence to compliance regulations
  • Event-driven auditing in respect of trading and loans
  • Complete or partial handling of internal audits, taking into account all regulatory requirements
  • Support for the existing internal audit in complex cases or in specific areas
  • Short-term adoption of audit work to cope with peaks or to compensate for staff absence
  • IT security (data centre security, contingency plans, internet security, authorisation systems)
  • IT auditing (IT applications, project-parallel audits, data protection, auditing tools)
  • IT compliance
  • IT architecture


Range of consulting services:

  • Consultancy for domestic and foreign investment funds
  • Advice on all bank-specific aspects of settlement tax
  • Taxation of derivatives
  • Consultancy in the context of restructuring
  • Consultancy on structural considerations regarding regulatory impact
  • Development of compliance structures, systems and documentation
  • Submission of applications for the approval of new operations and products to regulators
  • Implementation of financial, legal and tax due diligence
  • Analysis of strategic business models
  • Analysis of integrated, value-based, medium-term business planning
  • Analysis of short-term and structural liquidity planning
  • Assessment and valuation of assets and companies