Appraisal services

Appraisal services

We arrange appraisal and valuation services through BDO Znalex, an expert appraisal institute. Appraisal services cover:

  • Appraisals of assets during mergers, divisions, changes of legal form, transfers of assets to a partner
  • Appraisals of non-monetary deposits
  • Real estate appraisals
  • Share appraisals for “squeeze outs”
  • Appraisals of property designated for transfer among allied entities (Commercial Code, Section 196a)
  • Expert opinions required in insolvency proceedings
  • Expert opinions in the fields of accounting and inventory
  • Expert opinions in the field of economics for criminal and civil proceedings
  • Damage assessments
  • Investment feasibility studies
  • Analyses of the highest and best use of property
  • Expert opinion audits in the field of economics
  • Appraisals of receivables, intangible and financial assets, companies
  • Appraisals of securities, share holdings, stakes in companies
  • Revaluations of long-term assets to the real value for IFRS or Czech accounting standards
  • Transfer pricing

Because our experts are able to combine their knowledge of economics and law, they successfully reduce risks and the conclusions of the opinions are accepted by the courts.